2 arvostelua tuotteelleWild Freedom "Asian Lakesides" - viljaton resepti
Lataa tuotekuvasi12.03.22|Inka
Not for our cat
We tried several dry foods from Wild Freedom (poultry, Europe, America,Asia and Africa) and our cat loooves them all. However, after a while he had diarrhea and obvious stomach upsets as he wouldn't anything all day and was really quiet. So we started eliminating what could be causing these problems and it was Wild Freedoms dry food (all types). I read on other zooplus sites (Germany, etc) that other cats had the same problems. So we have switched back to Acana and all is good again.
Tämä makuvaihtoehto on todella vakuuttava
Maine-Coon-risteytykseni on innoissaan "Spirit of Asia" -ruoasta.
Nappuloiden koko ja sisältö ovat vakuuttaneet minut, maku minun kissani :-)
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